The Foreshadowing

  • Publisher : Orion
  • Author : Marcus Sedgwick
  • ISBN : 9781444011067
  • MBE Code : 443
  • Number Of Pages : 288
  • Book Cover : Paperback

Original price was: £8.99.Current price is: £6.29. 30% off

Availability: 3-5 working days


It is 1915, WWI. Seventeen-year-old Sasha Fox is the privileged only daughter of a respected doctor living in the wealthy seaside town of Brighton. But her brothers, Edgar and Tom, have gone to war and Sasha has a terrible gift: she can see the future.Her premonitions show untold horrors on the battlefields of the Somme, and the fate that awaits Edgar and Tom. But Sasha is trapped by power – no one will believe her. Even her family have lost faith in her, and she is determined to win them back, whatever the price. And it is a high one. Seeing the future is a fate too awful to contemplate – for who wants to see the end of their own story?

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