The Bone Sparrow

  • Publisher : Orion
  • Author : Zana Fraillon
  • ISBN : 9781510101555
  • MBE Code : 163
  • Number Of Pages : 240
  • Book Cover : Paperback

Original price was: £8.99.Current price is: £6.29. 30% off

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The Bone Sparrow is a beautiful, captivating and a deeply moving read that reflects upon a refugee boy, named Subhi. All he knows of the world is that he is at least 19 fence diamonds high and at night he dreams that the sea finds its way to his tent, which brings unusual treasures.

And one day it brings Jimmie into his life. Where they strike an unlikely friendship beyond the fence.

As he reads about the tale of how Jimmie’s family arrived to this point, both children discover the importance of their own stories and writing what their future is going to behold for them.

The Bone Sparrow was shortlisted for the Guardian’s Fictional prize and was nominated for the CILIP Carnegie Medal in 2017.