
  • Publisher : Bloomsbury
  • Author : Sarah Crossan
  • ISBN : 9781526614858
  • MBE Code : 233
  • Number Of Pages : 192
  • Book Cover : Paperback

Original price was: £8.99.Current price is: £6.29. 30% off

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A story reflecting on the life of two sisters who are in fact conjoined. Grace and Tippi are joined at the waist and have been defying the odds of their survival for sixteen years. United in blood and bone, they both don’t like being stared and sneered at, but now they have become used to all of it.

They want the freedom to feel what it is like to be looked at in turn, like they are truly two separate people. They want friends to care for them and they want to find their true love one day. But one heart-wrenching decision is faced for them both. One that could change their lives more than they ever asked for…

Incredibly moving and an extraordinary read, One explores the unbreakable love between these sisters. The winner of the CILIP Carnegie Medal in 2016.