The Climbers

  • Publisher : Barrington Stoke
  • Author : Keith Gray
  • ISBN : 9781781129999
  • MBE Code : 489
  • Number Of Pages : 116
  • Book Cover : Paperback

Original price was: £7.99.Current price is: £5.59. 30% off

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In this compelling story of teenage rivalry and friendship, award-winning author Keith Gray captures the subtle agonies and reality of life growing up in a small town.

Sully is the best climber in the village. He can scale Twisted Sisters tangled branches and clamber up Double Trunker with ease. But when new kid Nottingham shows up and astonishes everyone with his climbing skills, Sullys status is under threat and theres only one way to prove whos best. Sully and Nottingham must race to climb the last unnamed tree. Whoever makes it to the top will become a legend. But something spiteful and ugly has reared its head in Sully… Is it worth losing everything just to reach the top?

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