The Boy Who Made Everyone Laugh

  • Publisher : Scholastic
  • Author : Helen Rutter
  • ISBN : 9780702300851
  • MBE Code : 444
  • Number Of Pages : 360
  • Book Cover : Paperback

Original price was: £7.99.Current price is: £5.19. 35% off

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Billy Plimpton is an eleven-year-old boy with a big dream.

He wants to be a stand-up comedian when he grows up: delivering pinpoint punch-lines and having audiences hang on his every hilarious word.

A tough career for anyone, but surely impossible for Billy, who has a stammer. How will he find his voice, if his voice won’t let him speak?

The idea for this story came from Helen Rutter’s son, who has a stammer: she wanted to write the book that he would love to read, starring a child like him.

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