
  • Publisher : Oxford University Press
  • Author : Philip Reeve
  • ISBN : 9780192742766
  • MBE Code : 299
  • Number Of Pages : 320
  • Book Cover : Paperback

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Step on board, because the universe is waiting.

The CILIP Carnegie Medal shortlist title of Railhead features “The Great Network” which features a place filled with drones, androids, Hive Monks and Station Angels.

This place is far from ordinary, it is a place that contains many great dangers and especially for someone who rides the rails and his luck in the way Zen Starling does!

Once Zen was just a petty thief, he would steal for the support of his family and living by his childish wits. But now it has all changed. He may still be a thief, but now it could be that the key to the whole universe rests of finding what he is…