Pig Heart Boy

  • Publisher : Corgi
  • Author : Malorie Blackman
  • ISBN : 9780552551663
  • MBE Code : 262
  • Number Of Pages : 256
  • Book Cover : Paperback

Original price was: £7.99.Current price is: £5.59. 30% off

Availability: In stock for next day delivery


This thirteen-year-old just wants to live a normal life, like every other thirteen-year-old kid he knows. But most normal kids don’t need a heart transplant…

So, a doctor has been discovered and he says that there is a chance for him to live a life without worry and to not have every day potentially be his last. But he also says that this surgery is experimental, controversial and risky. This has never been done, will it be a success?

Pig Heart Boy is a powerful and thought-provoking story, created by the award-winning Malorie Blackman. Shortlisted for the Carnegie Medal.