Home Girl

  • Author : Alex Wheatle
  • ISBN : 9781444974805
  • MBE Code : 383
  • Number Of Pages : 288
  • Book Cover : Paperback

Original price was: £8.99.Current price is: £6.29. 30% off

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This isn’t my home. Haven’t had a proper home since…This is just somewhere I’ll be resting my bones for a week and maybe a bit. This time next year you’ll forget who I am. I haven’t got a diddly where I’ll be by then. But I’m used to it’

New from the winner of the Guardian Children’s Book Award: Home Girl is the story of Naomi, a teenage girl growing up fast in the care system. It is a wholly modern story which sheds a much needed light on what can be an unsettling life – and the consequences that can follow when children are treated like pawns on a family chessboard.

Home Girl is fast-paced and funny, tender, tragic and full of courage – just like Naomi. It is award-winning author Alex Wheatle’s most moving and personal novel to date.

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