Asha And The Spirit Bird

  • Publisher : Chicken House
  • Author : Jasbinder Bilan
  • ISBN : 9781911490197
  • MBE Code : 672
  • Number Of Pages : 288
  • Book Cover : Paperback

Original price was: £7.99.Current price is: £5.59. 30% off

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Asha lives in the foothills of the Himalayas. Money is tight and she misses her papa who works in the city. When he suddenly stops sending his wages, a ruthless moneylender ransacks their home and her mother talks of leaving.

From her den in the mango tree, Asha makes a pact with her best friend, Jeevan, to find her father and make things right. But the journey is dangerous: they must cross the world’s highest mountains and face hunger, tiredness – even snow leopards.

And yet, Asha has the unshakeable sense that the spirit bird of her grandmother – her nanijee – is watching over her …

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