Song Of The River

  • Publisher : Barrington Stoke
  • Author : Gill Lewis
  • ISBN : 9781800900615
  • MBE Code : 488
  • Number Of Pages : 96
  • Book Cover : Paperback

Original price was: £6.99.Current price is: £4.89. 30% off

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Times are tough for Cari and her mum: a violent storm has flooded the valley where they live, destroying their home and cafĂ© business. Things seem bleak – but hope appears in the form of a plan to reintroduce beavers into the area, as the changes that these amazing animals make to the waterways might prevent another flood. Cari knows that she has to get involved. But with the project facing resistance from locals, can she convince them to give the beavers a chance – and will it be enough to save her home from being destroyed for a second time?

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