Go Big

  • Publisher : Wren & Rook
  • Author : Matthew Burton
  • ISBN : 9781526362353
  • MBE Code : 566
  • Number Of Pages : 208
  • Book Cover : Paperback

Original price was: £9.99.Current price is: £6.49. 35% off

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Secondary school can seem scary. Corridors are wide, older students look terrifying and there’s homework, messy friendships and stressful exams to deal with.

But, whether you’re about to land at secondary school or you’re still settling in, Mr Burton is here to guide you through your journey – worry-free.

From your first day to your final exams, this handbook will have you achieving, succeeding and being the best you can be. Find great friends, boost your confidence and start building toward your brilliant future.

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