
  • Publisher : Scholastic
  • Author : Tom Becker
  • ISBN : 9781407191935
  • MBE Code : 432
  • Number Of Pages : 308
  • Book Cover : Paperback

Original price was: £8.99.Current price is: £6.29. 30% off

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Imagine a place just beyond nightmare – a secret city where horrors haunt the streets. Take the wrong alley, turn the wrong corner, and you’ll find that place: Darkside. It’s wickedly dangerous and excitingly strange – and it could be the last place Jonathan ever sees… Set in a terrifying netherworld of creaking asylums, oil-lamps, dingy alleys and Jack the Ripper’s descendants, this first book in a chilling Gothic series of monsters and mayhem will hold you mesmerised.

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