The Boy With Wings: Clash Of The Superkids

  • Publisher : Macmillan
  • Author : Lenny Henry
  • ISBN : 9781529067903
  • MBE Code : 660
  • Number Of Pages : 224
  • Book Cover : Paperback

Original price was: £7.99.Current price is: £5.59. 30% off

Availability: 3-5 working days


Wings? Check.
A super-cool, super-secret past? Check.
An impossible mission to save the world from a super evil enemy? Check.

When Tunde’s parents take him to a top-secret testing facility called The Complex, he’s nervous about meeting others like him who have super powers. But trying to make new friends is the least of his worries. There’s something much scarier going on. And it’s going take more than just the boy with wings to stop it . . .

Now that flight isn’t an option, the only choice is to fight.

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